Have you ever wanted to try eggplant but just have no idea what to do with it? I was in the same boat until I tried this! This is probably the simplest recipe you'll see that tastes just amazing. There are only 4 ingredients to this tasty dinner recipe!
Servings: 2
-1 Eggplant
-Curry sauce mix (I used 1.5 blocks of the small box of S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix in medium hot. You can find this at Walmart and usually any place that sells Indian food/spices)
-Olive oil
-2 cups cooked rice (I prefer brown rice, but you can use any variety that you desire)
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Cut eggplant in half and score it with a knife. This will allow all the flavor to reach the inside of the eggplant
3. Place both halves of the eggplant on a baking sheet with the skin side down
4. Brush eggplant lightly with olive oil making sure to get the inside where you scored it
5. Cook eggplant for 40 minutes adding crumbled curry to the top of it half way through
6. When the eggplant is done cooking (it shouldn't be spongy at all and should peel away from the skin very easily), place each half over a bed of cooked rice
*For extra creamy rice, add a little bit of vegan butter while cooking
7. Mix everything together and enjoy!
Be sure to let me know if you try this recipe!